Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Today at 11:11 AM I missed a call from Nurse Jennifer.  Her voice mail made my day.

"Hey Jamie, it's Jennifer at the bariatric center.  I was calling to see when you want to get your surgery scheduled. I got the approval, so call me back!"

Music to my ears.

I gave her a call back and my surgery is set for Monday, 16 June at 7:30 AM.



I have to attend a pre-op appointment on 6 June for two hours.  I think this is the part where they go over everything to expect before/during/after surgery and to provide an opportunity to ask more questions?  We shall see!

The morning of my surgery I have to be there at 5:30 AM.  I'm not going to be able to sleep that night anyway, so that probably won't be an issue getting up at 4 AM to wash my hair and straight iron it (heh heh).  Besides, I will probably be sleeping most of that day anyhow!  If I'm not taking a walk up and down the hallway or to the restroom, I plan on catching up on my beauty sleep!

So I owe Amber some of my chocolate chip toffee cookies.  I will bring them for her on the 6th.  Small price to pay to expedite my paperwork.  I can't believe it only took 5 business days (Monday holiday doesn't count!).  I don't know what I was worried about -- thinking I'd be denied and have to make an appeal -- I did everything by the book though!

I start my liquid diet on June 2.  I really don't think I'm going to have any problem complying.  Honestly, I've had enough "last" meals the last few months.  I am ready to do whatever it takes to be SUCCESSFUL.

Oh, I forgot.  While I was at work today I instant messaged my brother and let him know the news.  He asked me if I had heard of some guy on MasterChef that had lost 155 lbs. since the show last year.  Apparently he was 400 lbs. and shocked viewers by his weight loss.  He had a sleeve gastrectomy.  He sent me an article about it which led me to a doctor's blog about WLS.  Thought I'd share a link to a very interesting article about how weight loss surgery resets the bodyweight set-point.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Waiting Game

Today marks one week since my paperwork was sent to Carefirst for review and approval.  I hadn't heard anything all week, so just because, I decided to call Carefirst myself.

I thought it would make me feel better to hear that they had received the paperwork at the very least.  I spoke to Shanika, gave her my ID, confirmed my birthdate and gave her my call back number.  She brought up my record of sorts and told me that nothing had been received.  I asked her if a week's time was sufficient to show up to where she could see the request and she said it was and that it normally shows in 24-48 hours.  So I politely thanked her and wished her a nice weekend and disconnected.

Then I furiously dialed the number for the bariatric office and chose the option to speak to the insurance specialist, Amber.  She did not answer so I left her a desperate email telling her what I had found and asked her to check into it and call me back.

Next I stewed in my chair.

Then I pulled out my medical card and flipped it over to study the numbers more closely.  Hmm.  There was a separate phone number for "Inpatient Pre-Certification".  Well THAT sounded more promising.  And I'm just the kind of person that has to be told TWICE before I believe something like my fax never arrived.

So I dialed.  I hit the option that led me to "my nurse"....A lady answered, I gave her my ID, confirmed my birthdate and gave her my call back number.  I asked her if she showed any documents received for me and she paused...typed...paused...then she said.... wait for it... wait for it....

"Is this in regards to your June 16th surgery?"  I was like OMG OMG OMG OMG (inside).  Then I was cool, calm, collected...and responded, "Yes, yes it is."....then she said...."well....TENTATIVE date for June 16th".....  :D

She said it had been received on Friday of last week and that it was still under review.  I asked if it would be OK to call back next week for a status update (as if I need permission -- HA!) and she said, "Oh yes, that will be fine -- in fact, take down this reference number and provide it when you call back so that they can find your case faster."  (Inside I said "I LOVE YOU NURSE LADY")

So I am pretty excited about having a TENTATIVE date.  I am really hoping I'll hear about approval next week.

After I got off the phone with nice Nurse Lady, I immediately called back the bariatric office insurance lady and said "oops never mind, they got it!  LOL.

Next, I looked up at my calendar and started doing calendar math in my head.  Let's see....Monday, June 16th minus 14 days on a pre-op liquid diet brings me to.......to......to.....


June 2nd.

My 37th birthday.

Which means.  I have.  Basically.  ONE WEEK.  To eat my heart out! OMG OMG OMG

Ok I actually don't mind that I'm down to one week (technically 9 days).  I have kind of over done it for the last 6 months with eating my heart out.  I am ready for the change honestly, but I will still allow myself one or two (or three) "last meals"....Rich and I already made reservations at Melting Pot for Sunday night (All You Can Eat Fondue, no less).  I may have to get some McDonald's fries (super damn fresh, of course -- otherwise, they're not worth eating).  Hmm what else.  I may need to have a slice from Sky's Pizza Pie.  That should do it.  Oh and maybe a large sweet tea from Chick-Fil-A or McD's.  That'll do.  Wait, I forgot about Reese's Cups.  And pop secret popcorn with peanut M&Ms.

So that was my excitement for today!  Yay!!!

JUNE 16TH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Nutrition One-Hour Wrap-Up

Friday morning was my one hour wrap up with Ashton.  I weighed in beforehand at 249.0.  Half a pound less than the day before.

Ashton went over in more detail each phase of my eating plan before and after surgery.  Here they are in a nutshell:

Phase 1
This comprises my pre-op diet which could be up to 14 days before surgery.  I can only have clear liquids plus protein shakes.  Clear liquids include sugar-free jell-o pudding, sugar-free popsicles, broth, crystal light, Powerade Zero.  The protein shakes are what's going to keep me full and the popsicles and pudding is what'll keep me sane LOL.

Day of Surgery
= NPO.  NPO means "nothing by mouth"...no ice chips, no gum, no NOTHING.

Post Op Day 1 is also NPO until I have my UGI which is a procedure that checks for leaks -- I believe it is the same procedure I had a little while ago when I drank some barium mixture so they can take pictures of my stomach.  As long as this is clear, then I can have clear liquid after.

Post Op Day 2 is when I begin Phase 2.  Phase 2 lasts up to 10 days until I follow up for the first time with my surgeon, Dr. G.  When I'm on Phase 2, I'm supposed to "eat" 3-5 times a day with at least two of those meals being "food" meals vs. protein shakes.  On this phase I can have watered down juices, broths, cream of wheat when cooked with lots of water or milk, milk, yogurt, and protein shakes.  I have to try to get in 80 grams of protein a day.

Phase 3 - Puree Diet
Well this should be interesting.  I'll be on the puree phase for days 10-30, approximately.  Ashton suggested mixing tuna with a bit of olive oil mayo in my Magic Bullet as a meal.  I'll only be eating 1-2 ounces at a time for each meal and my meals should last 20-30 minutes each with about 5 minutes in between each bite.  I can have all the stuff from Phases 1 and 2 plus pureed cooked eggs, high protein meats (pureed in the bullet!), smooth peanut butter (yay!!!!!), cereals like cream of wheat, melted cheese (double yay!), fat free cottage cheese, skim milk, mashed potatoes, pureed/mashed green beans, canned fruits (awesome), baby foods (NOT).  Things I can have but in moderation (once a day I think) are sf pudding, sf gelatin, low sugar or sugar free ice cream or yogurt, salt, mayo, butter, sour cream, herbs & spices.  This will be a fun phase I think!

Phase 4 - Soft Diet
I'll transition into Phase 4 at about the 30 day mark and be on it for approximately 4 weeks.  At week 6 post-op I'll meet with my surgeon again for follow up.  Again I'll be eating 3-5 times a day but only about 1-2 ounces per meal.  This phase basically includes any non-irritating low residue foods.  Everything I eat has to be thoroughly chewed to avoid obstructions or blockage.  I can only add in one new food to each meal so if I have an adverse reaction I will know what did it.  Protein will be the "star" of each meal and what I eat FIRST.  The foods I'll be allowed will include everything from Phases 1-3 plus low fiber cereals such as cheerios, rice krispies, or special K.  At this stage I won't have to puree anything but I just have to chew, chew, chew!  I have a feeling I will be eating a lot of eggs, cheese, yogurt, peanut butter, and chicken here.  I am going to change things up though and make some flakey fish here and there and have thin deli meats for lunches.

Phase 5 - Regular Diet
This will start at around Week 8 which will be mid- to late-August I think.  Initially, I can have all foods except those that cannot be thoroughly chewed or which cause discomfort or irritation.  I have to avoid bread, rice and pasta for SIX MONTHS after surgery and avoid solid red meat until I get my surgeon's OK.  I am supposed to have 2 cups of milk or yogurt daily and a protein supplement that provides at least 20 grams of protein.  A sample breakfast is 2 tbsp of eggs and 2 tbsp of oatmeal.  A snack would be 1 oz of cheese and 1-2 slices of apple or 1 ounce of chicken salad and a couple of whole grain crackers.  It's hard to believe that will fill me up, but I bet you it will!

Eventually on Phase 5 over time I'll be able to eat slightly more at each meal.  When this happens, my regular diet will consist of three small meals per day limited in volume to 3-4 ounces per meal.  I have to remember to listen to my body and stop at the first signs of fullness.  I have read on my Facebook groups that some people's first "signs" are hiccups, burping, or just an uncomfortable sensation.  That's why you have to space out your bites of food and take your time so that you don't eat too much and your body has time to TELL you it's full.  A typical breakfast for me on this second part of the Phase 5 diet would be 2 oz of high protein greek yogurt and 2 oz of Kashi Go Lean cereal. A snack might be a slice of cheese if I really felt I needed something between meals or there is a long time between meals, but I have to limit my snacks to 1-2 ounces.

So that's about it for my wrap up appointment.  Afterwards I went back to the front desk for Ashton and I to talk to Amber the insurance girl.  Ashton asked if they could submit to my insurance without cardiac clearance and Amber said they could, yes, since it isn't the insurance that requires the cardiac clearance, it's my doc, so we can get that later if need be.  While we were standing there, Nurse Jenn comes out and says she just got a call from the cardiac office and they said they didn't receive the results yet.

I decided to go up there to see what could be done to expedite things.  I was firm but nice and they told me that most likely my results were in "transcription" which is where they go to be written up for the doctor to interpret.  Ashton assured me when I went back down to report on my findings that she would keep on top of things.  When we asked Amber about submitting that day I told her there would be cupcakes in it for her...then Ashton mentioned to Amber that I was the "cookie lady" and Amber's whole face lit up!  She said she LOVED my cookies and she'd rather have those than cupcakes any day.  I told her you got it!  So I have some baking to do before my next appointment LOL.

This afternoon as I was reviewing the eating plan for this blog, I came across Amber's email address, so I sent an email to her and to Ashton asking if they were able to submit Friday.

Oh and I also got my lab work results -- I was deficient in Vitamins A and D, but being on the multi should take care of those levels.

This week is clear as far as appointments go, Thank God.  I am tired of driving around places after work, even though it is for this.

Ashton mentioned that once I get insurance approval, Jenn will call me to schedule the surgery AND my pre-op class which (again) goes over Phase 1 pre-op diet and other things.  I thought I remember her saying I'd have to have more labs before surgery too, but I honestly can't remember now.

What a whirlwind it has been and my poor leave balances at work have taken a beating.  I will be working the next few holidays to bank hours for my surgery so that I can be paid 100% of what I am used to getting.  And to ensure I have enough leave for our trip to Ireland in September.

One additional thought.  My husband and I often entertain ourselves by eating out or ordering in.  Once I have surgery, I have a feeling that eating out (in Phase 5 +) will be frustrating and a waste of money, which will totally take the fun out of it.  I hope that we can come up with new (more active) ways of spending time together like working out or taking more drives to the beach with our pups.

I am nervous about Ireland and what I'll be eating there.  I have a feeling I will be taking a bunch of protein powder with me to ensure I get 80 grams in.  At least I'll be thinner by then and feeling better.

So now that I don't have any more appointments scheduled (although I do have a PCP appt 6/4), it is now just a waiting game until insurance approval.

I have a guess as to my surgery date:  the 17th.  It's my lucky number.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Nutritionist Consult #6

Weighed in at 249.5 so lost a half pound since last month.  Then met with Ashton.  It seemed like a formality.  We didn't set any more "goals" for next month.  It was maybe a 10 minute meeting.

Here's my $35 copay, please weigh me.  Okay, okay, I know it's necessary for insurance approval.  Besides, tomorrow is my one hour meeting with Ashton to go over the whole eating plan before and after surgery -- all of the phases.

She did have my chart and she asked me when I did my labs -- I told her it was in February.  Apparently it is not uncommon that the lab people forget to send them to the bariatric office.  Plus I technically do not have cardiac clearance yet -- waiting on Dr. Langhorne to review my stress test pictures.  Ashton said she would follow up on both tomorrow.

So once she's got what she needs, she submits usually same day to insurance.  Amber, the "insurance chick" that works there said that for Carefirst Administrators, their response time "depends on how busy they are"....I asked if it helped at all if I called every day and she said no.  LOL, I tried.

Ashton did ask me if I had a date in mind for the surgery (because of work) and I said as soon as possible, but it would be nice to have it on my birthday, June 2nd.  I have also had the 17th in mind because it is my lucky number.

Honestly I told her that any date in June would make me happy, and she said she thought that would be possible as they are not scheduling very far out, meaning, they are not booked up the next couple months or anything.

So it was pretty short and sweet.  I still can't believe how fast time has flown.  I still have worries that insurance will deny me and my doc will have to appeal for me and I won't have surgery until long after June.

The journey thus far has had some bumps but I think it has been pretty darn smooth.  I sure am hoping everything works out the way I have it planned in my head.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Support Group

Rich and I attended support group tonight.  There was no special guest -- it was the nutritionist Ashton and nurse Jennifer and Dr. G (nice surprise!).

Other than Lori, there were no familiar faces from last month, including the new friend I made last month that had the sleeve - Leticia.

One new thing I learned was that those who have an issue with depression pre-surgery will have a greater likelihood of having increased depression symptom post-surgery.  One of the reasons is that the patient still sees their old (fat) self even after they've lost the weight.

I have never had a problem with depression.  Sure, I've been depressed about my weight from time to time, I've been depressed because I haven't seen my family in a while and am sad.  I may wake up in a bad mood and seem depressed all day.  But being depressed (at least to me) is different from "having depression" -- at least in the clinical sense that one is diagnosed.

See, I can't even IMAGINE that I would see my old fat self after losing weight.  Sure, I may think, "oh, I hope I can lose 15 more pounds - that would be great!".  

But I have lost weight before and I distinctly remember feeling AMAZING, CONFIDENT, SEXY, loving the attention.  It was mentioned by the doctor tonight that some people can't handle the new attention or the way people now look at them after they've lost weight.  

I sincerely hope that I am not like that.  After years and years of feeling overlooked by others because of my weight -- strangers and non-strangers alike, I would welcome the compliments.


I know I am going to be one of those people that will be very annoyed, disappointed, and/or angry because of the attention/comments/compliments/acknowledgement/etc. that I receive once I'm at a healthy weight that DIDN'T give me the time of day when I was heavier.  

So if you're going to be one of those people that says hello (and you never did before) or ask me to hang out or go for drinks (when you didn't before), or if you're going to be jealous of my success or my smaller-size-than-you jeans I rock out, please just keep it to yourself and ignore me like you did before.  My weight doesn't define me, my character does, among other important traits.  And honestly if you are one that treats ANYONE differently based on their weight (or sexual orientation, or race, or gender, or nationality, etc etc etc), then you are probably not someone I want to have in my life anyway.  :)

Ok, that is all.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Echocardiogram & Stress Test

Tuesday this week I had to get to the hospital at 8 AM for my stress test.  Once I got back there, they started an IV so that they could administer some kind of radioactive fluid that is needed to take good pictures of my heart.  I had to wait 45 minutes for the fluid to get through my body, so they went ahead and did my echo to take advantage of the downtime.

The echo chick was nice.  I had to put on a gown so that she would have access to the left side of my chest.  All she did was do a sonogram of my heart from a ton of angles.  She took about 25 minutes or so to finish.  Wasn't so bad!

Once I wiped off all the gel and got dressed, it was time for my pre-stress test photos.  I laid down on this very thin (8 inches wide) strip of metal with a pillow under my knees for comfort.  The nurse told me to put my left arm above my head and then gave me a rope to hold on to.  My right arm had the IV still in it and although it was "flexible", it was painfully uncomfortable to bend my arm and they wouldn't let me hold my arm across my waist anyway, so I had to tuck a few fingers under my butt to keep my arm still.

The photo taking machine was very close to my chest and it rotated around from left to right, stopping about a dozen times to take photos from all kinds of angles.  The whole process of pre-stress test pix took 10 minutes.

When it was done, I could move my arms and my poor right hand was completely numb.  The nurse helped me up and took me to the treadmill room.

I met two ladies -- one was in charge of the machine that controls the treadmill and also monitors my heart rate and blood pressure.  The second lady was there to watch me on the treadmill and once my heart rate got to 85% of max (which was about 156 bpm), she was to inject me with more radioactive fluid.

The treadmill started at an incline at at around 2.5 mph.  Within a couple minutes my heart rate jumped from the 90s to the 120s.  I was thinking based on that quick increase, this would be a piece of cake.

Boy was I wrong.

I hovered in the 120s for so long that they decided to bump it up -- the incline AND the speed...to 3 mph.  Eventually my heart rate went up to the upper 140s.  After another minute or two they bumped up the speed to 3.5 mph and I felt like I was at my max.  They asked me if I was OK, do I feel lightheaded, etc...and I responded, "Just trying to breathe!!"...

I couldn't walk at 3.5 mph (had to go into a jog), so they decreased it to 3.0 and I was so close to 156 bpm that they went ahead and stopped the treadmill and injected the fluid into my IV.

Then they made me sit in a chair for 10 minutes to get my heart rate down back down under 100.

After that, I was taken back to the thin metal bed and did those pictures for a 2nd time.  The goal is that both pictures "match".

Once they released me I headed home and took a 3 hour nap.  Oh by the way, I was on the treadmill for a total of 7 minutes and 6 seconds.  I am so out of shape.  In my defense, though, they didn't let me warm up or cool down, which I would've done to increase my endurance in a normal treadmill workout....and eventually build up the incline, but really they just threw me into it to make my heart beat faster quickly.

Friday morning I got a call from that office from Ann.  She informed me that I had PASSED my echo, that it was NORMAL.  She said she did not have my stress test results as Dr. Langhorne was not in the office today, but I would get them some time next week hopefully.

Next week is the BIG week.  MY big week.  Last NUT appointment, final write up....I also have support group, have to get some blood drawn for my 6 month PCP appointment.  Just LOTS to do.

Ann seemed confident that my stress test results would be fine based on my good echo.  We shall see. I am crossing my fingers.