Friday, October 10, 2014


Two days ago I finally got to visit ONEderland, which is when one gets into the 100s on the scale!  As of this morning, I am officially at 198.2 with a total loss of 51.8 lbs.

I have to say I am pretty damn happy about it.

April 14, 2014 was a very sad day for me -- I weighed my highest EVER:  250.0 lbs.  I am never going back to the 200s.  NEVER.

My nurse, nutritionist, and doctor were VERY pleased with my progress thus far.  My nurse, Jennifer, said that she expects to see me lose 50% of my excess weight at the 6 month mark, which would mean I have to lose an additional 14 lbs. by December 17th.

Here is a picture of my updated chart, which chronicles every weigh in since I started my 6 months of supervised nutritionist visits in December, 2013.

Something I just noticed on this chart the reference to "IBW" -- Ideal Body Weight....and that it says 131 next to that....Ummmm.... I don't plan on being a STICK.  That weight seems WAY too low for me.  When I graduated high school I was about 155 and my graduation dress was a size 12.  Since I'm in a size 12 jean/pant right now, it seems ludicrous that if I lost another 50 lbs that I would still be a size 12.... did I forget what size I wore at age 18?  I am not as clear as to what my jean size was then, but I do remember my graduation dress size.  I know I'm thinking too hard about it, so I guess I will just have to wait and see what size I will end up as.  

Getting below 200 is so exciting for me since I haven't been under 200 since the 90s.  And I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the attention.  I feel so good about my body and how my clothes fit - there is no way I won't be wearing shorts next summer and that's a huge bonus in Florida!

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