Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Clothes Whore

That's what I'm becoming.  I am buying stuff like crazy because I'm in a new range of weight that is putting me in a bunch of size 12 pants and medium tops!

I know my husband is trying not to say anything.  Hell, he's not paying for any of my clothes, but the closet is getting fuller by the week.

I'm ready for another trip to the consignment shop with my size 14 dress pants and several tops that I purchased there a couple months ago.

One clothing item I went nuts on is new bras.  I'll tell ya, it's not a good look to wear a bra that doesn't fit.  I went from a 42C to a 38B.  While shopping for new bras (in the beginning), I was told by a Soma Intimates clerk that my right boob is bigger than my left boob.  Apparently this is quite common.  Has it been that way all my life?  Why haven't I noticed this before?  I was dumbfounded.  What a difference it made to wear the bra that fit my new body!  Yay for bras!

My wedding rings are also super loose.  I told my husband that I'll get them sized once they start flinging off my finger, but maybe that's a bad idea.  I don't want to be like my brother and fling a very expensive Tacori band into the Atlantic while hurling a football.  Lesson learned -- I will get them sized soon.

I also decided to purchase a brown and a black pair of tall leather boots.  My calves are still larger than normal women's calves, so I had to get the "wide calf" version.  I sure hope they fit nice!

My hair is falling out like crazy.  It really sucks, actually.  So much so, that I'm trying to train my hair to be washed less often because when I wash my hair, it comes out.  I don't even blow dry my hair straight anymore because I don't want to put more stress on my tresses.  Luckily I am blessed with tons of hair already, but my hairdresser even noticed it had thinned out a lot since she saw me last.

My nutritionist says that it is due to the stress on my body of losing weight fast and that there is nothing I can do about it and that it should subside/stop after my weight loss slows after December (6 months).  I sure hope so, otherwise, I'll be shopping for wigs or Rogaine or something.

I still can't believe I'm under 200 pounds.  I really was hoping I'd made it under 200 by the end of the year.  Now I'm setting a goal of getting to 175 by 2015.  Looking forward to the challenge of the holidays!

My last thought:  it is so very nice to not dread getting dressed for work every day.  And I may just have to buy my first pair of shorts in Florida for next summer.

Friday, October 10, 2014


Two days ago I finally got to visit ONEderland, which is when one gets into the 100s on the scale!  As of this morning, I am officially at 198.2 with a total loss of 51.8 lbs.

I have to say I am pretty damn happy about it.

April 14, 2014 was a very sad day for me -- I weighed my highest EVER:  250.0 lbs.  I am never going back to the 200s.  NEVER.

My nurse, nutritionist, and doctor were VERY pleased with my progress thus far.  My nurse, Jennifer, said that she expects to see me lose 50% of my excess weight at the 6 month mark, which would mean I have to lose an additional 14 lbs. by December 17th.

Here is a picture of my updated chart, which chronicles every weigh in since I started my 6 months of supervised nutritionist visits in December, 2013.

Something I just noticed on this chart the reference to "IBW" -- Ideal Body Weight....and that it says 131 next to that....Ummmm.... I don't plan on being a STICK.  That weight seems WAY too low for me.  When I graduated high school I was about 155 and my graduation dress was a size 12.  Since I'm in a size 12 jean/pant right now, it seems ludicrous that if I lost another 50 lbs that I would still be a size 12.... did I forget what size I wore at age 18?  I am not as clear as to what my jean size was then, but I do remember my graduation dress size.  I know I'm thinking too hard about it, so I guess I will just have to wait and see what size I will end up as.  

Getting below 200 is so exciting for me since I haven't been under 200 since the 90s.  And I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the attention.  I feel so good about my body and how my clothes fit - there is no way I won't be wearing shorts next summer and that's a huge bonus in Florida!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Current Weight: 201.6 - Total Lost: 48.4 lbs.

Just got back from Ireland a few days ago.  Did some MAJOR walking -- I averaged about 9,000 steps every day.  But I was on vacation and ate some things I shouldn't have (in moderation), had more alcohol than I would ever have at home -- one night I had 5 rounds over the course of 4 hours or so....and didn't feel so great the entire next day.  But I had so much fun!

I weighed in the morning after I returned and was a bit disappointed at gaining about a pound and a half to two pounds....however, as of this morning, the extra weight has dropped off and I'm at my lowest weight so far, so I thought it was worth a blog post.

Today I wore my favorite grey dress pants to work.  They are way too big now... and they're a size 14.  Soooooo I decided to go to Kohl's after work today and just try on some size 12s.

I must've grabbed about 12 pairs from different brands and a pair of jeans to boot.  I got them ALL on.  This made my day for sure!