Yesterday I got to check off two more items from my long to do list.
I started with the chest x-rays. I just had to lift my shirt up and she put some warm jelly on my abdomen. She made me hold my breath a few times for 10-20 seconds at a time and move on my sides so she could get images captured of my kidney, spleen, gall bladder, liver etc.
Then I had the upper GI series. For this I had to get into a gown and do shots of powder alka seltzer with a chaser of water. :) Once I did that to avoid upset stomach, I had to drink about 5 large sips/gulps of a barium sulfate compound which didn't taste as bad as I thought it would. It was a bit chalky. The two men that did the pictures made me turn over a couple times on the bed -- a full 360 degrees, so that the barium fully coated all sides of my stomach.
When I left I was advised to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water to flush out the barium and that my poop would be white/chalky for the next few days.
Later on in the afternoon around 3 PM I thought I had to pee really bad, so bad it hurt, but after I relieved myself, the pain still subsided for much of the evening. I think it was just mild cramps related to the barium, but apparently cramps are a rare side effect.
I was fine this morning.
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