Thursday, January 30, 2014

Esophagogastroduodenoscopy...AKA Endoscopy

Upper endoscopy, also called esophagogastroduodenoscopy, or EGD, is a procedure in which a thin scope with a light and camera at its tip is used to look inside of the upper digestive tract -- the esophagus, stomach, and first part of the small intestine, called the duodenum.

Yesterday was my of the many appointments I had to check off my list of things to do before I can have my sleeve surgery.

Of course it was scheduled on the day Pensacola had an ice storm and it was treacherous riding to the hospital.  I'm glad they didn't cancel it though; despite having been on reduced ops at work and missing a "snow day".

We got there early around 8:10 AM and my doctor was super late because of the distance he had to travel to the hospital.  The anesthesiologist and nurses were really great and I loved the way they treated us.

When I finally got to the operating room, they administered the knock out drugs and before I knew it, I was waking up, groggy as hell.  I was glad that I didn't throw up or have issues; however, Rich told me later that they had to give me "extra" because I was "fighting" the scope.  Dr. G told Rich that he biopsied my hiatal hernia while he was there.

I was discharged around 12:30 and super hungry.  We stopped at Waffle House for food, then I went to bed when I got home around 1 and slept until 5.  By 7:15 PM I was ready to go back to bed and slept until 5 AM. 

I think the most uncomfortable part of it all was getting the IV straw in my hand.  It's still sore to tap.  So... all in all, no big deal.  I was a little surprised that I won't get my results until the end of February.  Glad I called today to get an appointment.

Measurements #1

Neck 15"
Arms 17.75"
Breast 45.5"
Stomach 43"
Butt 51"
Thigh 31"
Calf 19.5"

Needless to say, I broke out into tears after Rich helped me get these measurements.  I can't believe my arms are bigger than my neck. 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Nutritionist Consult #2 + Met the Doc!

Friday was my 2nd meeting, but first I weighed in with Jennifer the Nurse. I had gained 2-3 lbs or so since last month, but easily done over the holidays. I was actually surprised it wasn't higher.

So Nurse Jennifer was pretty awesome.  I really like her.  She's 5 years post-op (RNY).  She asked me at one point what's my proof in the pudding.  I didn't get what she was asking, so she rephrased in plain English:  "What will really make you happy, Jamie?"  My reply was, "To get off all those meds."  Then she said, "Yes, but what will really make you happy?"  I replied: "To lose weight."  She said, "Have you lost weight before?", to which I replied, "Yes, many times over..."  Jennifer: "Then what will REALLY make you happy?", and my reply: "To keep it off."  And she says, "Then that's what we'll work on and and I can help you get there."

That was the best conversation I've had in a long time and deep down inside it made my heart do little backflips of joy. 

On to my Dr. Gatmaitan meeting.  It was a little strange to me that he showed me texts from his former patients on his iPhone -- before and after pics, but neat nonetheless.  We decided on doing the sleeve.  He did say he expects me to lose a little weight before my surgery or maintain, but definitely for the scale NOT going up each month.  I had a long list of questions to ask him.  He did say I can expect to gain a lot of energy after surgery and sleep better, too.  My pre-op diet is a week on clear liquids, then the poop cleaner outter (official name is "bowel prep") the day before (I should take off work this day!!).  He said he writes the return to work note for 3 weeks after surgery, but depending on how I'm feeling and how convincing I can be, it could be just 2 weeks.  I am thinking I'm going to go for the 3 weeks for sure.  I'll have the leave and plus week 3 will be covered 75% pay via STD, so I wouldn't have to use much leave during that 3rd week to supplement.  He is going to order a sleep study for me, so I will likely have a CPAP in the next few months.  Not looking forward to all the appointments that will require, but I know in the end I will probably be sleeping better and waking up more refreshed.

On to Dietician Ashton.  She was pleased that I kept a food journal for 7-10 days.  I admitted that I didn't walk once and that was one of my goals.  She didn't seem too annoyed.  I also sucked at decreasing my soda intake because I realized I drank more than I thought I did.  For next month, my goals are to keep a food journal daily, cut soda out COMPLETELY (I said I would once I ran out of my 8 cans or so I have left in my fridge), walk 20-30 minutes 3 days a week, and decrease fried foods to twice a week.  I won't be able to eat fried foods after surgery (well, for at least a year or more) so I have to get out of the habit!! 

I have a ton of tests that I have to get done or will get done prior to surgery -- some of them will be scheduled soon, for example, on 1/29 I have an endoscopy where they will put me under and put a scope down my throat to look around and make sure I don't have an ulcer or any weird stuff going on.  Rich has to go with me that day to drive me home.  The other tests that are coming are a GI series, a chest image/x-ray, and a complete blood panel.  I also have to get my pap smear done and eventually have a psych eval! 

Next Nutritionist appointment is on Monday, 10 February.  Can't believe it'll be #3 and half way done!  I think Alisha mentioned that her sister's surgery date got tentatively scheduled when she went to her 4th appointment.  I did ask Nurse Jennifer about when surgery will be "tentatively scheduled" and she didn't really give me a straight answer but said it wouldn't be months waiting after my last nutritionist appointment.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

2014 is Going to be MY YEAR

My year to get healthier
My year to get off of heartburn, cholesterol and high blood pressure pills
My year to shop for new clothes
My year to cross my legs effortlessly
My year to sleep better and wake up refreshed
My year to stop drinking carbonated drinks
My year to buy knee high boots
My year to turn heads
My year to get excited about dressing every morning
My year to buy shorts, size 12 jeans, and medium shirts
My year to make walking a habit
My year to have more sex
My year to love myself again

I joined some WLS groups on FB and have seen a lot of before and after pictures. I've read a lot of comments -- some are laced with frustration, some are non-scale victories (NSV), some are from people that are pre-op, some post-op, some just days out, some many years out...there are men, there are women, near and far, all sharing their experiences on every topic, no holds barred. Some have made me tear up thinking about how I will feel a year from today.

Tomorrow is my next appointment - #2 of 6. I am closer. I am excited. I want to fast forward but take time to absorb everything I can possibly learn and teach myself, habits to break, new habits to make.
I will also meet Dr. Gatmaitan one on one. We will discuss all of the types of surgeries and determine which one is best for me. I am leaning towards a sleeve gastrostomy ("the sleeve")and have a dozen questions to ask.

I still worry I won't be approved. I still worry I will be just as heavy at the end of 2014. I get my hopes up, start daydreaming, envisioning my new self. But I still worry.