Monday, March 31, 2014

Sleep Study Results

I do not have sleep apnea!

Which really surprises me, actually.  So why am I tired all the time?  

I think the answer is PRETTY obvious now:

I eat nutritionally shitty food.
I don't exercise.
I'm 100 pounds overweight.


Sunday, March 23, 2014

Sleep Study

My sleep study was located at Gulf Breeze Hospital on Friday night.  I had to be there by 8:30 PM and arrived early around 8.  I brought my pillow, my cuddle pillow, my Kindle, my lip medex, and my toothbrush and toothpaste.

When I got there I met Nate and Ron.  Ron was a very tall older gentleman with a deep southern drawl who had gastric bypass 3 years ago.  He said that he was once 320 pounds and lost over 100 lbs.  Nate was a very young kid -- I'm guessing around 23 or so.  I found out later that he's only been doing sleep studies since November.  He was very professional, though, and definitely knew what he was doing.

Nate brought me back to room #3, which was a modest sized room with a full sized bed, headboard, side table with a lamp, side chair, and a full bathroom.  Not what I expected!  Somehow I had in my head a more hospital-like setting with a couple people in a room above me that looked down into the room - watching me all night through a few glass panes.  Boy was I off!

Nate had me fill out a bunch of paperwork that asked me about my sleep habits, my current medications, etc.  Once I was done, he had me sit in a chair in my bedroom.  He had all kinds of wires and electrodes that he attached to my legs, my chest, my temples, and my scalp.  I also had  something attached to my middle finger.  And a couple of bands around my chest and abdomen.

Once I was all set, I got into bed and he told me I could relax, read, watch TV until I was ready to go to bed.  In a few minutes he was going to come on the speaker and ask me to do a couple of things.  I was reading a really good book, so I read for a while and then suddenly he roars on the speaker and startled the shit out of me LOL...I think he could tell I was startled (and annoyed) and he apologized and said that the guy he was helping before me was hard of hearing.  Nate asked me to wiggle my left leg, then my right.  Then I had to shut my eyes for 30 seconds.  Then open them.  Then he asked me to look up, look down, left, and right.  Then I had to hold my breath and push my belly in and out.  I supposed he was ensuring everything worked and was calibrating settings in his office.  By the way, the office had like 5 giant computer monitors that showed lots of data and brainwaves and all kinds of different things - very cool.

After he left me alone, I continued reading and got super sleepy around 10, so I turned out my bedside lamp, tried to get comfortable, and shut my eyes.

I was pretty tired, so I was surprised I didn't just pass out by then, but then not surprisingly, those damn wires were EVERYWHERE and I was extremely AWARE of them.  I was afraid of disconnecting something or ripping one of them off by accident so I really couldn't get onto my belly the way I normally sleep.  Nate said I could sleep however I wanted, but he didn't know that I am used to the left side of the bed, not the right side, so I was already screwed up from what I am used to.  Ok but back to the damn wires.  I tried my hardest to forget about them and eventually found myself drifting off to sleep.  Then the damn door opens and a bright swath of light -- seemingly from the heavens opening up into the depths of hell -- and in comes Nate.  I had disconnected the thingy on me left leg.  Ughhhhh.

Ok, I had to shut my eyes and concentrate hard on falling asleep.  Shit, I had no idea what time it was.  No clock to look at (I had shut my phone off to save the battery). How long was I going to be awake?  What if I never fall asleep and they didn't have enough data to determine if I had sleep apnea?  What if I don't fall asleep and they have to reschedule me to come in but the next appointment isn't available until September?  Then I can't have surgery in June.  FALL ASLEEP JAMIE.  I suppose I was overthinking it and not letting things happen naturally.  YOU try falling asleep fully clothed, with hair getting in your ears and tickling your neck and two dozen wires attached mainly to your head.  Oh by the way, don't forget the nasal thingies I had in so he could monitor how forceful the air was coming out of my nose.  But then it tickled my upper lip and somewhat blocked the air coming out of my nose, so I had to sleep with my mouth partially open, then my mouth got really dry.  OMG it was one thing after another.

But guess what?

I fell asleep eventually.

At 5:30 AM, Mr. Nate came in to wake me up and detach everything from me so I could get the hell out of there.  He asked me how I slept.  Fitfully.  I told him the bed was too hard, the room was too cold, there was noise outside of my room, etc., etc., etc....  After I cleaned up a bit and got my shit together, I headed out to the front office.  They were still uploading my data, but he said that although it is not his call to make a determination (it would be my doctor's call), most likely I do NOT have sleep apnea.  He said I had been dreaming.  That I only woke up about 5 times (it's bad when it's double digits).  I asked him if I snored and he said "yes, consistently all night" and that it wasn't that loud because they didn't "turn me down"....then Ron said, it was a "princess snore" which made me laugh.

So that's it.  I have my follow up sleep appointment scheduled for Wednesday, but I don't think I'll have to go -- I'll hear by then if I have to come back but I'm hoping I don't have to.

I was REALLY surprised by what Nate and Ron told me that morning because I was 99% certain that I had apnea.  But I have to admit I am seriously relieved because I honestly think I would've had trouble getting used to using a CPAP machine.

Once I have surgery I will be eating better and losing weight, which in turn will make me feel better and most certainly sleep better as well.

I'm so glad that is over with.

Now I just have 3 more appointments.  Nutritionist #5 on April 14th, Nutritionist #6 on May 15th, then my last "final writeup" nutritionist visit with Ashton on May 16th.

SO looking forward to April....I really can't believe how time flies.  AND what I'm really looking forward to is my me-cation this weekend in Biloxi and then our long weekend in Cape San Blas in just 28 days.

So many things to look forward to -- cheers to LIFE!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Nutritionist Consult #4

I seriously can't believe I just had my FOURTH appointment!  Time is flying by yet June seems so far away...

So I brought in two dozen of my "famous" chocolate chip toffee cookies to the bariatric office.  Believe me, I mentioned it last visit and thought it would be inappropriate but they said NO, please bring them, so I did!  And they loved them. LOL

Nurse Jennifer took me back for my weight.  I was heartbroken when the scale read 255.  Honestly I was in shock because that would be 12 pounds higher than last month.

When I got to Ashton's office I just broke down and started crying because honestly I thought I had maintained my weight if not lost a little.  Ashton immediately informed me that they had been having issues with the scale and one lady's weight was as much as 20 lbs. off from what she really was.  So she said if I wanted to, we could reweigh before I left.

We talked about how I did on my goals last month and I confessed that I did not do well at all which is probably why I gained 12 lbs.  I pretty much ate what I wanted to, didn't write down my food, and exercised maybe once on purpose.  So maybe I deserved to gain.  She said that journaling our food doesn't work for everyone so that made me feel better.

We focused on the topic of protein -- she said that after I start to eat real food 8 weeks out, I will need to get at least 80 grams of protein in.  So one of my goals this month is to have protein of some sort with every meal.

My other goals are to try a new healthy recipe at least once a week, have fried foods only twice a week, and to practice separating eating and drinking during breakfast since dinner didn't work out for me so well last month.

I feel more motivated to stick to my goals without the pressure of journaling my food. We'll see I guess!

Sooo it was funny that the entire time I was meeting with Ashton I noticed she couldn't stop looking up at a piece of hair that was sticking straight up from my head and I was staring at the crumb in the corner of her mouth from the cookies of mine she ate right before she came in.  ROFLMAO

Ok anywho, we went back in to the scale room.  I reweighed at 248....a half a pound less than last month!  THANK GOODNESS because I would've been really upset with myself otherwise.

That is all!

Random Thoughts

I can't wait for the day when my reflection makes me do a double take.

When my husband doesn't recognize me from behind and says, "Oh wow, I didn't realize that was you!"

When I walk in to work in a cute, flattering outfit and I am so confident that it just seeps out of my pores and makes my smile infectious.

The day that I realize I'm probably a (another) size smaller.

When I don't give a second thought to signing up for a 5K, or taking four flights of stairs to my car on the top of the parking garage.

When the first person notices my body changing drastically.

I can't wait for that day that my fat jeans fall off of me.

When I may actually need to purchase a belt to hold my pants up.  Or hell -- for FASHION reasons!

When I see my family again after a lot of weight loss and they are speechless.

When I inspire someone else to have surgery and take charge of their health.

It'll be interesting to see if more people try to be my friend or noticeably pay more attention to me because of my weight loss....AND if any of my closer pals act differently because of my weight loss....I hope not.

I look forward to fitting great in a plane seat and not feeling inadequate in a bathing suit and wearing knee high boots next fall and skirts that don't go to my ankles and realizing no matter what photo is taken of me that it's my "good" side...

I can't wait for the day when I enjoy exercising and not feeling as if I'm going to throw up afterwards.

Will there be a day I take up running?

How about a day when I purchase a pair of jeans in a single-digit size?

Will there be a day that comes when I'm satisfied with my body weight, proud of my accomplishments, and loving life even more than I ever imagined?

I hope so.

I can't wait for the rest of my life to start. It'll be a great life to live in a body I am so comfortable in.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Psych Results

I asked the psychologist if she'd share my test results.  Here they are:

These kinds of tests are normed against a sample group.  As a result, they provide interpretations based on personality styles of those who produced a similar profile to yours.

It's important to remember that some of the statements may be true for you and some may not.

  • The profile indicated that you are not experiencing psychiatric distress at this time.  
  • It suggested that you may tend to be a person who maintains an image of competitiveness and self-assertion. 
  • You may tend to be on guard with those outside your circle of family and friends, protecting yourself by keeping a cool distance. 
  • Others might better earn respect by approaching issues in a straightforward and honest manner. 
  • You might benefit from being included as an active participant in planning and carrying out the treatment program. 
  • You likely demonstrate appropriate concern about your health and are likely to be an accurate reporter of any changes in symptoms and functioning. 
  • The profile indicated a high likelihood that the patient will maintain post surgical weight loss and avoid long term health complications. 
  • The post surgery outlook was good across all domains (quality of life, body image, physical health, etc). 

So it looks like I'm in the clear!  I have my 4th nutritionist appointment scheduled for this coming Wednesday, 12 March.  After that, on 3/21 is my sleep study.  Looking forward to making additional progress and checking things off "the list"!